I sat down on the white plastic mat, soap and knives in hand. As I putthe knives and carving tools down, I stared at the golden bar of soaplooking back at me. Suddenly, it struck me. I could see the sculpturewithin, it all became clear. As soon as I had “seen” it, I started towork. I cut out the silhouette of a hand and sooner than I knew it, Iwas done. When I was finished, I stared in awe at the masterpiece I hadbrought to life. It was a golden hand, much smaller than the ones I useto type right now. It holds itself up, rigid and firm, as if thanking mefor bringing it to three-dimensional life.This artwork, what I name “The Golden Hand”, took m
e less effort than Ihad thought it would. I carved and carved, and everything seemed to putitself together naturally. I have never sculpted before, and this firsttime was very fun, and the result was better than expected. Even thoughI never sculpted, everything turned out just right (excluding someproblems discussed later). As a matter of fact, it seemed more anactivity than assigned homework.However, as in most projects, activity-like or not, this wasn’t smoothsail; in the middle of sculpting, I had found mistakes. This was usuallybecause bits of soap had broken off or because I had cut off too muchsoap. It was hard to fix this problem, for once part of a layer had comeoff the entire layer had to be sculpted off.By doing this sculpture, I realized the true work of a sculptor and hadhands-on experience to really feel the sculptor’s work. I gained insightinto the hard-to-fix mistakes that one could encounter while sculpting.Many misconceptions of my own were erased. Previously, I viewed art asless of a field of useful study and as more of a fun hobby of no use.Now I realize that it requires intense focus, concentration, creativi
tyand knowledge. Without a true knowledge of nature and our beautifulsurroundings, romantic art would just not be the same. Without knowledgeof some geometric or mathematic concepts, abstract art would not be thesame.Personally, I view a painting as easier to make, for there is no worryof three-dimensional faults. However, I paint a lot, so I decidedsculpting will be a nice twist to my common ways. I find sculpture moreappealing because of the three-dimensional-ism; it allows me to relateto it, to be more at peace with it. There is more variety involved withsculpting also. There can be smooth surfaces or rough surfaces, thesculpture can be itty bitty as mine was or it can be humongous, evencolor can be changed. But no matter what, judging by the length of timethey have remained, both styles will stay in our minds, interest and hearts.
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