Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán
By Johar Manzar

General Description

The Pyramid of the Sun is one of the largest structures in all of Mesoamerica and is in fact the largest in all of Teotihuacán, which had a population of around 100,000 people. Its construction began in 100 AD and it became the third largest pyramid in the world after the Great Pyramid of Cholula and The Great Pyramid. There were three stages to the construction of this pyramid, the first stage was the main building and making it the size it is today, the second stage involved building an altar, which has not survived to be present today, and in the third stage the Adosada platform was built. The first excavation that took place of the pyramid was done by Leopoldo Batres in the early twentieth century. This pyramid, later excanvantionists discovered, was used for very religious purposes and involved sacrifices, as discovered by bones surrounding the area. Teotihuacán was a booming center of Mesoamerica and survived on the currency of an abundant Teotihuacán native volcanic glass called the Obsidian, which provided power and royalty to this city. This is the gem the provided people with will to sacrifice their own life for the well being of the city. However, later on, a mysterious catastrophe came to loom upon the Teotihuacános which reduced the population by about half. Later on, the city was burned and destroyed by foreigners and war enemies, and so it was mysteriously abandoned.

Architectural Design

The Pyramid is 738 feet across and 246 feet high, a monumentous size for a pyramid. This size just explains the authority of the Teotihuacán rulers and the cohesion of the Teotihuacános who built this pyramid. On this structure, the Teotihuacános splattered lime all around, over which they painted brightly red colored murals and artwork, none of which have survived, leaving a stone colored Pyramid in its being. This structure was built in a specific pattern, with the much smaller Pyramid of the Moon right along the corner. The significance of the Pyramid of the Sun was that it was at the center of the cross shaped streets of Teotihuacán. Large stairs encased the pyramid on all four sides, and inside the pyramid are large chambers, thought to be used for human sacrifice. Very tight hallways lead to the chambers and there is an eerie glow inside them. The many chambers are big and spacious, and one of them has a tomb. The Pyramid of the Sun and Moon are connected together via the Avenue of the Dead, a burial site used to bury the sacrificed.

Harmony with Nature

Just as the name implies, the Pyramid of the Sun is oriented towards the northwest of the horizon of the sun on two important Teotihuacáno days of the year. The days were August 12 and April 29, which is about one calendar year for the Teotihuacános. August 12 marked the beginning of the calnedar for the Mayans. Many astrological events can be seen from the Pyramid of the Sun, which were important for the Teotihuacános in terms of agriculture and belief systems of the ancient city.

Symbolism and Sacred Objects

There is a lavishly decorated tomb in one chamber of the Pyramid of the Sun, and around this tomb there are engravings of the various afterlives the dead will enjoy. There is explicit implication towards a waterhole, where one anthropologist explored and declared that he felt like he was actually going into another world. The pyramids had many paintings and artwork inside, which echoed their thoughts about the afterlife.

How it is used by Worshippers

The Pyramid of the Sun was used as a sacrificial center, where visitors decided to turn in their lives as herores and become Gods in their afterlives. Priests would peform rituals in both the Pyramid of the Sun as well as the Pyramid of the Moon. The Pyramid of the Sun holds many human bones and burial sites around it, such as the Avenue of the Dead, which explains its use during the time when Teotihuacán ruled in Mesoamerican times.


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